Sunday 15 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of the music magazine (the top left image), I think keeps to the conventions of a music magazine because It is bold and stands out, however, I think the colour being so bright doesn’t keep to the convention of a rock music magazine title because ‘rocky’ colours generally tend to be quite dark, for example in Kerrang magazine, the title tends to be black and grey, the and yellow is a very bright colour which makes it unique.
The prop that I asked the model to use for the front cover picture (a guitar) makes it clear to the readers that the magazine is a music magazine because the model is holding an instrument. The type of instrument which the model is holding tells the readers that it is a rock music magazine; because guitars are instruments which (stereotypically) rock band members play.
I took inspiration for the layout from Kerrang and Q when I was creating the contents page for my music magazine. My contents page uses the same layout as Kerrang (the text being on the right side of the page, and the images being on the left), Q magazine uses a similar layout, but the text is on the left and the images are on the right-hand side on the page.
The model in the bottom right picture is the same as the one in the front cover. A convention of a model for a rock magazine front cover would be someone with piercings and tattoos. The fact that the model I chose doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings challenges the conventions of a rock magazine because even though he isn’t a stereotypical ‘rocker’, I think that you can still tell from the magazine front cover that it is a rock music magazine.
For the title, I used a font called stencil which is sharp and emphasises the name because it looks like a serious font. It is similar to magazines such as Kerrang because the font for the title is also sharp and stands out well. The font for the magazine Q is also sharp.
I chose to do an interview because they appear in magazines often. They also allow the reader to get to know the person being interviewed which creates a connection.
The costume that the model is wearing on the front cover suggests rock genre because he is wearing a red shirt, and shirts combined with an instrument such as a guitar (the prop that the model is holding) screams rock genre. The title of the magazine being high voltage links with sound, suggesting loud music.

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